On this page:

This page explains how Te Whatu Ora Capital, Coast and Hutt Valley uses any information you give to us through this website www.ccdhb.org.nz and the way we protect your privacy as we do so.


Protecting the privacy and personal data of the visitors to our website is extremely important to us. This site has security measures in place to protect the loss and alteration of information under our control.

Personal information

  • We do not collect any personal information on this site unless you choose to give it to us.
  • Any information you do provide will be held by us, Te Whatu Ora Capital, Coast and Hutt Valley.
  • We do not collect identifiable information about you if you only browse our website.

Use and disclosure

  • We use personal information that you provide to us via this site only for the purposes for which you supplied it.
  • We do not share your personal information externally unless it is necessary for the purpose for which you gave us the information (i.e. to investigate a complaint) or, where sharing it is permitted by law.
  • If you provide feedback regarding our website we will use it only to develop and improve this site.
  • We analyse site browsing patterns of visitors to our website to improve our services. This information does not identify the person browsing in any way.

Your rights and choices

We are happy to provide you with access to any personal information that we hold about you. If it is wrong, please ask us to correct it. To ask for access or correction to your medical information please email medical records: medrec.patientinf@ccdhb.org.nz.

Important information

This privacy statement does not cover links within this site to other websites.

For any further explanations of what we do with your information, please feel free to contact us: info@ccdhb.org.nz

Community guidelines for social media channels

How we use social media

We use social media to share health updates, health system information, feedback opportunities, new content from our channels, insights into our work and job vacancies, and other relevant content.

We can’t provide health advice on social media. Consult your GP or call Healthline on 0800 611 116 for health concerns. Dial 111 in emergencies.

If we perceive a risk of harm to someone, we may alert the Police or Netsafe. However, our accounts aren’t monitored 24/7 and aren’t for emergencies. If there’s immediate danger, call 111 or seek mental health services.

Comments and questions

We appreciate your feedback but can’t respond to all comments individually. Our accounts are monitored weekdays 9am-5pm and occasionally outside these hours.

We may share third-party content for informational purposes, without endorsing its accuracy. Following or liking a page doesn’t imply endorsement.

Our employees may participate in online forums. Their views are personal, even when they identify as our staff.

Our staff acting in an official capacity on social media will be responding through a Health New Zealand social media account, on behalf of the organisation. If an employee is speaking on their own social media account in an official capacity for Health New Zealand, they will make this clear in the content.

Enforcing community guidelines

Health New Zealand reserves the right to:

  • decide what content we think is inappropriate
  • hide or remove inappropriate content
  • ban users from social media communities.

We may delete content which contains:

  • racism, sexism, homophobia, or any other hate speech
  • statements that might be defamatory
  • confidential information (including personal details or health information)
  • misinformation or disinformation
  • spam or advertising
  • offensive language, abusive language, or threats
  • statements that are off-topic or derail the conversation
  • nudity, pornography, or child abuse
  • excessive violence
  • content that is illegal, gives instructions on illegal activity, or encourages people to break the law.

If you find content on any of our accounts which breaks these guidelines, please tell us.

We may use comments and messages submitted to our social media pages for reporting, after removing names and other personal details. Email hnzsocialmedia@health.govt.nz if you have concerns or questions about our social media, or any of our content.

Last updated 9 May 2024.