1926 - 2010
MB CHB (NZ) 1950, MRCP (LOND) 1956, DCH 1957, MRACP 1960, FRACP 1967,

After house surgeon and medical registrar years at Wellington Hospital, Jeff went to London for PG training. He was House Physician, Brompton Hospital in 1955 and then moved to the Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond St., where he confirmed an interest in paediatrics. He was first House Physician and then Registrar there in 1956-57.
Jeff was then appointed Resident Assistant Physician at the Hospital for Sick Children, a position he held for three years.
On returning to NZ, Jeff was initially appointed Paediatrician at Hutt Hospital in 1960 before moving to a similar position at Wellington Hospital in 1962. He was Foundation Professor of Paediatrics and Child Health, Wellington School of Medicine and Head of the Paediatric Department 1975 - 1992.
Jeff had a strong interest in paediatric cardiology and undertook regular paediatric cardiology out-patient clinics in conjunction with the cardiologists. He also participated in cardiac catheterisation, having first done so as a Medical Registrar in 1953-54, and again in the early 1960s.