MB CHB (NZ) 1956, MRACP 1960, MRCP (LOND) 1961, FRACP 1970, FRCP (LOND) 1977

Peter was House Surgeon and then Medical Registrar at Wellington Hospital in the years 1957 - 1959.
He then went to the UK for PG training, first to Birmingham where he was Medical Registrar in general medicine and cardiology at the General Hospital 1960 - 1961. Peter was then Registrar at the National Heart Hospital, London, 1961 - 1963
Returning to Wellington Hospital he was appointed Cardiologist, a position he held until retiring in 2000. Peter was Head of Cardiology 1979 - 1997, and was Clinical Leader, Cardiology and Cardiothoracic Surgery 1997 - 1999.
Peter's contribution to the development of cardiology at Wellington Hospital has been significant. He founded the first CCU in 1967. He pioneered many new techniques in the cardiac catheterisation lab including:
- transseptal catheterisation (Brockenbrough technique) 1963
- Zucker catheter pressure/electrogram study for Ebstein's Anomaly 1964
- Ear-piece dye dilution studies 1964
- first cineangiogram 1964
- balloon atrial septostomy 1969
- first selective coronary cineangiogram 1969
- first His-bundle electrogram 1972
- with Richard Thompson, first PTCA 18/6/86
- first coronary rotablator use 27/3/96
Peter performed the 1000th PTCA on 17/9/97.
Above all and at all times, Peter ascribed to clinical excellence.