Blanche Louise Clark OBE
b. Hawera 1888 d. Masterton 1 Apr 1971

Nursing training at Wellington Hospital, graduating with honours (top marks in NZ) in 1919
Staff Nurse Wellington Hospital 1920
Midwifery training at Alexandra Home, gaining over 90% pass in the national examination 1922
Acting Assistant Matron Wellington Hospital Jan-May 1923
Plunket training 1924 in Dunedin
Sister-in-charge Nurses Home, Wellington Hospital 1924
Sister-in-charge Children’s ward 1925-1926
Relieving Assistant Matron Wellington Hospital Nov 1925
Tutor Sister Wellington Hospital Jul 1926
Wellington Hospital Board arranged for her to attend the Nursing Diploma course at Otago University in March 1927, and on return resumed role of Tutor Sister, Wellington Hospital.
Appointed the first Matron of the Truby King Karitane Hospital, Wellington in 1927 - 1934
Returned to Wellington Hospital in 1934 to be Assistant Matron
In 1938 appointed Matron, Wellington Hospital
In 1944 she became the first Matron-in-Chief, Wellington Hospital Board (after the opening of Hutt Hospital).
Retired in 1947 to live in Masterton.