Barbara June Elizabeth Hough
b. Taree, NSW 26 May 1922 d. Lower Hutt 27 Feb 2008

Trained at Wellington Hospital 1940-43, RN 1943
Staff Nurse & Ward Sister Hutt Hospital 1943-1945
Maternity training at Alexandra Hospital Wellington
Plunket training in Wellington
Gained overseas experience 1947-49
Ward Sister Hutt Hospital 1949
PG Diploma of Nursing 1953
Tutor Sister Hutt Hospital
Midwifery experience at Hutt & St Helens Hospitals
Nurse Inspector, Department of Health 1958.
Nurse Instructor PG Nursing School Wellington 1961-62
Two years psychiatric training at Oakley Hospital
Deputy Matron Wellington Hospital 1964
Matron-in-Chief Wellington Hospital Board 1969-1974