Born Dublin 25 Mar 1863 Died Wellington 26 Apr 1920 Educated at Clifton College and at Caius College, Cambridge 
Acland Prize in Clinical Medicine, St Georges Hospital Medical School Assistant HP and Assistant Registrar, St Georges Hospital 1891 HP, St Georges Hospital, London 1892-1893 Pathology and Medical Registrar, City of London Hospital for Diseases of the Chest, Victoria Park 1894 HP and Medical Registrar, St Georges Hospital 1895 Medical Registrar, St Georges Hospital 1896 West end practice for a time until poor health prompted him to emigrate. First registered as a medical practitioner in NZ 29 Dec 1896. Established private practice in Wellington. Organist & choirmaster, St Peters Church for 20 years. Honorary Pathologist, Wellington Hospital 1898 - 1902 Appointed Sanitary Commissioner, Wellington District in 1900, at the time of a plague scare photograph courtesy Home of Compassion, Wellington Honorary Visiting Physician, Wellington Hospital 1912 - 1919 WW1 service, Major NZMC, wounded at Gallipoli Obituary: NZMJ 1920 19:155 |