William Edward COLLINS   CMG

MRCS (Eng) 1876, MB (Lond) 1877

Born Darjeeling, India 1853            Died Wellington 11 Aug 1934

Educated at Cheltenham College, England.

Played rugby for England 1874 - 1876

W E Collins

Medical education at London University and St Georges Hospital, London.

Worked at Brompton Hospital for Consumptives

Came out to NZ, initially to Nelson, but then settled in Wellington.

Honorary Physician, Wellington Hospital 1879-1882

Honorary Surgeon, Wellington Hospital 1882-1905

President, NZ branch BMA 1904 MLC 1907-1934

WW1 service as Lieut.-Colonel in charge of hospital ship Maheno




photo courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, Earle Andrew coll.

Obituary:  NZMJ 1934 33:328     The Lancet 1934 2:387

Last updated 29 October 2016.