Born Palmerston North 3 May 1910 Died Wellington 30 Oct 1972 
HS / HP, Wellington Hospital 1934 - 1935 HS, Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street, London 1936 (Sir Barrington Ward) HS, Royal Northern Hospital, London 1937 Also attended St Thomas Hospital and University College Hospital RSO, Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford 1938 RSO, West Norfolk and King's Lynn Hospital 1939 Surgical Registrar, Wellington Hospital 1940 - 1945 Served with 2nd NZEF, J-Force 1945 - 1946 Resident Surgeon, Wellington Hospital 1 Nov 1946 - 31 Dec 1947, succeeding Herbert McNickle. Visiting Surgeon, Wellington Hospital 1948 - 1970 He undertook a wide range of general surgery, and quickly established a reputation as a skilled surgeon. As Resident Surgeon, he was responsible for the bulk of paediatric surgery undertaken. Richard Orgias was responsible for a number of the early patent ductus arteriosus ligations, including one for infective endarteritis in 1947. In 1947 also, he performed the second pericardiectomy undertaken at Wellington Hospital. photograph courtesy C DunningObituary: NZMJ 1972 76:446 |