Born Timaru 13 Dec 1932 
Educated at Wellington College HS / HP, Wellington Hospital 1957 - 1958 Medical Registrar, Wellington Hospital 1959 Medical Registrar in General Medicine and Cardiology, General Hospital, Birmingham, England 1960 - 1961 (Dr Paul Davison) Medical Registrar, the National Heart Hospital, London 1961 - 1963 (Drs Paul Wood, Aubrey Leatham and Evan Bedford) Cardiologist, Wellington Hospital 1963 - 2000 Head of Cardiology Department, Wellington Hospital 1977 - 1997 Clinical Leader, Cardiology and Cardiothoracic Surgery, Wellington Hospital 1997 - 1999 Honorary Consultant Cardiologist, Wellington Hospital 2000 - present photograph courtesy Wellington Hospital photographic archiveVisiting Cardiologist, Hawkes Bay Area Health Board 1965 - 1993 Visiting Cardiologist, Wanganui Hospital 1967 - 2000 Clinical Senior Lecturer, Wellington School of Medicine 1977 - 1997 Clinical Reader, Wellington School of Medicine 1998 - 2000 Peter has a remarkable record of service with multiple professional and other organisations, in particular the Royal Australsian College of Physicians, the Cardiac Society of Australia and NZ, the National Heart Foundation of NZ, the NZ Red Cross Society, and the NZ Army. He is currently (2004), President (NZ), The Royal Australasian College of Physicians; Chairman of the Council of Medical Colleges in NZ; Chief Medical Advisor, NZ Red Cross Society |