Born 17 Jul 1942 Died Fiordland 15 Jan 1995 
Educated at Wanganui Collegiate HS / HP, Wellington Hospital 1967 - 1968 Medical Registrar, Wellington Hospital 1969 - 1970 Supported by a Commonwealth Scholarship, he undertook postgraduate study at the Bristol Royal Infirmary (Dr K W Heaton), Bristol, England, and in London, Ontario, Canada. Senior Lecturer in Gastroenterology, Wellington Clinical School of Medicine 1975 - 1986 Sabbatical year, 1982 - 1983, at the Dunn Nutrition Unit, Cambridge, England Professor of Medicine, Wellington School of Medicine 1986 - 1992 Dean, Wellington School of Medicine 1992 - 1995 Obituary: NZMJ 1995 108:282 photograph courtesy Dominion Post collection, Alexander Turnbull Library |