Born Wellington 19 Oct 1933 
Educated at Wanganui Collegiate HS / HP, Wellington Hospital 1958 - 1959 Medical Registrar, Wellington Hospital 1960 RMO appointments at the Central Middlesex and Hammersmith Hospitals, the Mayday Hospital and the Croydon Chest Clinic 1961 - 1963 Clinical and Research Fellow, Bristol Royal Infirmary 1964 - 1965 Clinical and Research Fellow, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, USA 1965 - 1966 Specialist and Tutor in Medicine, Wellington Hospital 1967 - March 1971 Deputy Director Medical Unit June - December 1970 Supervisor, Intern Year, Wellington Hospital Board 1971 Visiting Gastroenterologist and Physician, Wellington Hospital 1972 - 1997 photograph courtesy Warren Austad