Born Gisborne 7 Sep 1927 Died Lower Hutt 4 Feb 2011 
Educated at Kings College, Auckland
HS / HP, Wellington Hospital 1953 - 1954 General practice in Otaki, 1955 Postgraduate studies in London 1955 - 1957 Senior HS, Paediatrics, North Middlesex Hospital, London 1956 HP, Edgeware General Hospital, London 1956 - 1957 Medical Registrar, Hutt Hospital 1958 - 1959 Paediatrician, Hutt Hospital 1960 - 1966 Paediatrician, Wellington Hospital 1967 - 1978 Paediatrician, Karitane Hospital 1967 - 1975 Awarded the Wolfson Travelling fellowship in 1973, with which he visited facilities in UK, Europe and USA, studying developmental paediatrics Medical Director, Puketiro Centre 1975 - 1989 Medical Superintendent, Hutt Hospital 1985 - 1989 Deputy District Manager, Hutt District, Wellington Area Health Board 1989 - 1992 Chief Medical Advisor, Wellington Area Health Board 1992 Company Director, Capital and Coast Ltd, 1993 - 1999 Company Director, Lakeland Health Ltd, 1993 - 1997 photograph courtesy Wellington Hospital Paediatric Department archive |