Born Birmingham 17 Oct 1947 
Educated at Glenalmond College, Glenalmond, Perthshire and at the Middlesex Hospital Medical School HS, General Surgery, The Middlesex Hospital, London 1972 - 1973 HP, General Medicine, City General Hospital, Stoke on Trent 1973 SHO, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Southampton General Hospital 1973 - 1974 SHO, Psychiatry, Professorial Unit, Knowle Hospital, Fareham 1974 SHO, Paediatrics, St Mary's Hospital, Portsmouth 1974 - 1975 Medical Registrar, Wellington Hospital 1975 Medical Officer, Accident and Emergency Department, Wellington Hospital October 1975 - May 1976 General Practice, Wellington 1976 - August 1983 Medical Officer, Wellington Prison Visiting Medical Officer, Radiotherapy Department, Wellington Hospital 1980 - 1983, involved with the establishment of the Wellington Hospice Clinical Lecturer, Wellington Clinical School of Medicine photograph courtesy Michael Shepherd |