Target audience
The course is open to consultants with an interest in paediatric anaesthesia and the occasional paediatric anaesthetist working in district health boards and private hospitals.
Anaesthetic technicians and nurses may attend as observers by prior arrangement.
Course information
This course is a refresher in managing common paediatric emergencies. In addition to maintaining skills and up skilling in contemporary management of paediatric emergencies, credits can be gained towards the ANZCA CPD programme.
The course is approved for credit of the ‘Emergency responses (management of anaphylaxis)’ section of the ANZCA CPD programme.
The course syllabus emphasises team work and use of Crew Resource Management principles for management of common in hospital as well as anaesthesia emergencies.
Please note that this is a latex environment.
Please note: online access to our learning management system, Connect Me, will be given for course information and pre-reading materials.
08.30am - 17.00pm
If you are NOT from a Te Whatu Ora district NZD $1250 (including GST)
Registration closing date is two weeks prior to course commencement date.
Please note: a minimum of 6 participants is required for the course. In the event of less than 6 participants the course may be deferred or cancelled.
The Simulation & Skills Centre
Level 9, CSB purple lifts
Wellington Regional Hospital
Riddiford Street, Newtown
Wellington 6021
New Zealand
Click here for our map
Email: wrcsse@ccdhb.org.nz