Published Tuesday 18 Jun 2019

Each year hundreds of volunteers donate their time and roll up their sleeves to make a difference for patients, visitors and staff across Wellington, Porirua and Kapiti.

This National Volunteer Week – 16-22 June – Capital & Coast DHB would like to take the opportunity to acknowledge these volunteers, and thank them for their selfless and compassionate work.

“With their willingness to donate their time – along with their compassion and dedication – volunteers really play an important part in the day-to-day working of our hospitals,” said interim chief executive Julie Patterson.

“Each year volunteers help tens of thousands of people find their way around our hospitals, knit thousands of items, enable pet therapy visits, and provide comfort and conversation for patients during stressful and trying times. We are immensely appreciative of our volunteers’ efforts to make a real difference for our patients, their families, and staff.”

Volunteers assist in areas across the organisation – including reception areas, ED, ICU, inpatient wards, the Wellington Children’s Hospital, mental health, and more.

While volunteers come to assist through a range of agencies, the vast majority of volunteers – around 450 across Wellington Regional and Kenepuru Community Hospitals, and the Kapiti Health Centre – do so through the Wellington Hospitals Foundation.

“We’re incredibly proud of our volunteers, and simply couldn’t support our hospitals in the way we do without them,” said Wellington Hospitals Foundation chair Bill Day.

“We have a team of amazing and multi-talented people who generously give their time to help our staff, patients and families every week. Their work has an enormous impact, and people often express appreciation for the support and comfort they’ve received. All our volunteers are superstars, and we’re very grateful for their support.”

If you are interested in becoming a hospital volunteer, visit

Media contact: Chas Te Runa – 027 230 9571