On this page:

What we do

Dietitians advise patients on how nutrition can improve their health. This may be to manage conditions such as diabetes, kidney disease or where patients need support to meet their nutritional requirements

Dietitians work in many different services across our DHB and give patients of all ages and stages of life and advice patients and advice on how nutrition can help to manage health conditions.

Dietitians work in inpatient wards, outpatient clinics and with patients in their homes as part of our community teams.

What to expect

Inpatient dietitians – Wellington and Kenepuru Hospitals

Your medical team, nurse or another member of the healthcare team will refer you to a dietitian if they feel you will benefit from their input. A dietitian will assess your medical condition and recommend a nutritional treatment to meet your needs and preferences. This may also include education for you while on the ward and after you go home. 

Outpatient and Community dietitians – Wellington and Kenepuru Hospitals, Kāpiti Health Centre

You can be referred to see the dietitian by your GP or another member of your health care team. Depending on your medical condition, you may be offered a clinic appointment or group education session. You are encouraged to invite carers, family or whānau to your appointment or group session.  If you are receiving cancer treatment or dialysis, the dietitian may see you when you are in the hospital for treatment. Interpreters are available; please let us know if you require an interpreter. Dietitians working in our community allied health teams see people in their own homes if they are physically unable to come in to a hospital site for an outpatient appointment.

Outpatient and community dietitians provide nutritional support to clients, their family, whānau and caregivers by:

  • explaining the role of food in managing health conditions
  • helping clients to make choices about foods which suit them and their lifestyle.
  • explain their role and ask for your consent to provide dietetic assessment and education.


Before your appointment, the dietitian will review any medical notes and check blood results.  In the appointment, they will ask questions about your meal pattern, food choices and lifestyle. This will allow the dietitian to give you information that will fit in with your life.  The dietitian may measure your height and weight at your appointment.


The dietitian will work with you and your whānau to help you plan nutrition and lifestyle changes.  They will explain any recommendations made and why they are needed.  The dietitian will provide written information or pictures for you to take away.

Follow up:

If needed, the dietitian will provide follow-up appointments to reassess your medical and nutrition status, food choices and changes made.  With your consent, we may refer you to other services as you require (for instance – Diabetes Nurses or Speech-language therapists).  The dietitian may also talk to you and whānau about other groups and health professionals that can provide ongoing support when you no longer need to be seen by the dietitian.

What Do You Need to Do?

To make the most of your appointment you can work together with the dietitian by:

  • telling us as much as you can about the foods you choose and the amounts that you eat and drink
  • asking about things that you don’t understand
  • letting us know if there are any budget constraints for what is being suggested
  • trying the changes that are suggested by the dietitian
  • telling us about how the changes are going and if you are managing them
  • telling us if you have difficulty understanding the written and/or spoken information.


Outpatient referrals

Referrals to our outpatient service need to come from a health professional, such as your GP or a specialist doctor. Health professionals can refer to our dietitian team by

  • Making an Ereferral (preferred) via MedTech – Select the discipline/s that you are requesting
  • Scanning and emailing a referral to the Booking Centre email: RES-PrimCareRef@ccdhb.org.nz

Please include any history pertaining to the referral and clear reasoning for the referral. There are sub specialty groups within Allied Health disciplines, so please be as specific as you can so we can connect you with the correct service.

Community referrals

You can refer yourself to our service, but we prefer a referral by a health professional. To self refer please fill out this form and email to RES-OpBkOraChs@ccdhb.org.nz

To refer to Allied Health clinicians working in the community:

  • Make an Ereferral (preferred) via MedTech – Select the discipline/s that you are requesting
  • Scanning and emailing a referral to the Booking Centre email: RES-OpBkOraChs@ccdhb.org.nz

    Contact Us

    Please phone (04) 385 5999 ext 82373 and leave a message with our administration staff, who will pass your message to the most suitable dietitian.

    Last updated 26 March 2021.