You may have been asked to manage some aspects of your diabetes care - such as checking your own blood sugar.
These videos may be useful as you manage your condition.
Monitoring Blood Glucose (18min 30 sec)
Insulin injection and types of insulin (17min 13sec)
Hypoglycemia (3min 54 sec)
Other ways you can look after yourself
Preparing an emergency kit
Natural disasters can occur at any time so it is important to have a personal emergency kit available. It is especially important if you have diabetes. Make sure you include at least 2 to 4 weeks' supply in your kit and check the expiry dates every 3 months.
What to include![Emergency kit for diabetics](dscn0490.jpg)
- Oral medication
- Sterigel
- Blood glucose strips and meter
- Optium blood ketone test strips and meter (Type 1 Diabetes)
- Spare meter batteries
- Insulin – long/short acting. Replace the insulin every 2-3 weeks to avoid it expiring
- Syringes / insulin pen and pen needles
- Hypo treatment – e.g. Glucose tablets and muesli bar
- Glucagon hypokit (Type 1 Diabetes)
- Cartridges/reservoirs/ Infusion sets with cannulas (Insulin pumps)
- Alcohol wipes or IV/Skin Prep/tape/spare pump batteries (Insulin pumps)
- An up-to date list of your medications, insulin and doses
- An up-to date list of your basal rates, carb ratios and ISF and targets (Insulin pumps)
- Emergency phone numbers – diabetes nurse and/or physician, GP, pharmacy, pump representative, next of kin