We understand that having a baby in NICU is a difficult time for you and your family. There is open visiting for parents only. Other visiting times are as per the brochure provided.
You will be updated regularly on the progress of your baby by nursing and medical staff. You are welcome to be present for daily ward rounds but please respect the privacy of others in your room and leave the room or wear ear muffs [provided] when other babies are being discussed.
Please stay at your baby’s bedside and do not view other babies.
While you are in hospital, you will be referred to a Social Worker. If you are from outside Wellington they can help you find accommodation at Ronald McDonald house (opposite the hospital). Read more about staying at Ronald McDonald House
If you normally live outside the Wellington region, the High Risk Midwifery Team will provide your midwifery care. One of the midwives from the High Risk Midwifery Team should be in contact with you the day after discharge.