Your kidneys filter wastes and extra fluid from your blood.
Our renal service treats people with diseases and conditions that affect the kidneys.
Watch a video about how you can look after your kidneys (English) This is also available in Tongan, Mandarin, Samoan and Māori
What we do
We care for patients that need urgent care as well as those who have illnesses that need long term care.
Many kidney disorders may be treated with medications but if kidney function starts to fail and the condition becomes severe, dialysis and/or kidney transplantation,or supportive care may be required.
Find out more about your options
We provide care to patients admitted to hospital (in-patients) as well as visiting patients at home.
Outpatient clinics are held at Wellington Regional Hospital, Kenepuru Community Hospital, Hutt Hospital and Kāpiti Health Centre.
Our nurses also provide ongoing support and education to patients after they are discharged from hospital.
The community dialysis unit at Margaret Stewart House, 16 Hospital Road, Newtown provides training and support for patients at home managing their own peritoneal dialysis or haemodialysis. There is provision for live-in accommodation for out of town patients in training coming from Wairarapa and Nelson/Marlborough. (LINK TO Margaret stewart house)
Patients not on home dialysis receive dialysis treatment at either the Wellington Regional Hospital Dialysis Unit or Kenepuru Dialysis Unit View map of how to get to the dialysis units.
Find out more about your options
Kidney transplants
Wellington Regional Hospital is one of the three hospitals in New Zealand that do kidney transplants. Our hospital does the transplant operation for people living in the greater Wellington area, Wairarapa, Nelson/Marlborough, Hawkes Bay, Manawatu, Horowhenua and Rangitikei.
Find out more about being a kidney transplant recipient or becoming a live kidney donor.
Find out about your options