Nau mai ki Te Wao Nui, our modern child health service for the Wellington region. Te Wao Nui can be found in the Mark Dunajtschik and Dorothy Spotswood Building, next to Wellington Regional Hospital. Te Wao Nui allows our team of doctors, nurses and allied health professionals to come together under one roof to care for tamariki / mokopuna (children) needing specialist medical and surgical care.
Parents and guardians may visit at any time. All other visiting hours are the same as the rest of the hospital - these are 10am–1pm and 3pm–8pm daily.
For information about other regional child health services, please click here.

Level Two
Level 2 of Te Wao Nui contains the main entrance, reception and the White Cedar Café. On this floor you’ll find the Children’s Clinics, Child Development Service, Child and Family Safety Service, Child Health Community Nurses and Allied/ORA.
Look out for our kaitiaki Tiaki, who can help you find your way on this floor.
Level Three
Children’s Day Stay
This unit has 12 beds. We look after children who need tests, treatments and day stay operations. We are open from 7am Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays).
04 385 5999 ext 5041
Kōwhai Ward (Surgical ward)
We look after children who need surgery and surgical care. Kōwhai Ward has 17 beds for all surgical and surgical specialty patients up to the age of 16 who need to stay overnight or longer.
04 385 5999 ext 5518
Children’s Cancer Service
A three-bed day unit providing treatment and assessments for children undergoing cancer treatment.
04 385 5999 ext 5604
Look out for our kaitiaki Kōwhai, who can help you find your way on this floor.
Level Four
Piko ward (Medical ward)
We look after children with medical conditions who need specialist medical care. Piko ward has 23 beds for all medical and medical speciality patients up to the age of 16.
04 385 5999 ext 5519
Short Stay Unit
This unit has nine beds for any child needing a short period of treatment or observation – up to 24 hours. This unit supports children who have been referred from our emergency department, and is open 24 hours, 7 days a week.
Look out for our kaitiaki Piko, who can help guide you around this floor.