Target audience
This course is suitable for healthcare professionals training to become competent instructors using simulation.
This includes Specialist Anaesthetists who have completed an ANZCA EMAC course and who would like to become an EMAC instructor.
The course is also suitable for doctors, nurses, paramedics and allied health workers wishing to use simulation techniques in their education practices.
Course information
Course participants should have completed at least two days of simulation-based education prior to undertaking this course.
This course qualifies for the ANZCA CPD programme. A certificate will be issued upon completion of the course.
Course objectives
An introduction to principles and techniques of adult education, including instruction and facilitation and the use of simulation and debriefing.
2025: Please fill out our expression of interest form
If you are NOT from a Te Whatu Ora district NZD $1350 (including GST)
The Simulation & Skills Centre
Level 9, CSB purple lifts
Wellington Regional Hospital
Riddiford Street, Newtown
Wellington 6021
New Zealand
WE ARE FULLY BOOKED if you would like to attend in future, please fill out our form
Please select the date you wish to attend and you will be taken to the booking page. Our bookings are processed through an external booking system called "Lil Regie" - so you will get emails from their address.
If the course is booked out, please continue on to our waitlist and you will be notified if a space becomes available.
Please note: in order to attend this course you will be given an account with our learning management system, Connect Me.
Email: wrcsse@ccdhb.org.nz
Phone: +64 4 918 6222