Issue | Screenshot | Resolution |
I have no Concerto icon on my MedTech 32 desktop. 
|  | Contact Compass Health to request MedTech-Concerto access. |
I’m getting a “Clinical Portal is unavailable” message. |  | Concerto may have been taken down for maintenance or an unexpected error may have caused Concerto to stop responding. Refer to the published availability status on this page and please try again later.
Concerto is asking me for a user name and password. | 

| If you’ve been set up correctly in Concerto and Medtech, authentication should happen automatically. Please contact the 3DHB ICT Service Desk on the email address or phone number below. |
I’m getting a navigation to the webpage error. |  | You need a valid Health Link client certificate installed on your computer. Please contact your IT provider. |
Connection fails because URL is wrong. |  | Please contact your IT provider. |
I can’t connect to Concerto. | 

| Your connection has failed. This could be because you have no internet connection or Connected Health may not be available. Please contact your IT provider. |
A clinical letter won't open. | 

| There is a known problem with opening unapproved clinical letters. Please check later if the letter has been approved. |
I’m receiving a script error in Medtech. |  | This error occurs when you have a patient record open and attempt to open a second record. Please close your Concerto window before opening a new patient
I can’t make any changes to the patient record in Concerto. | n/a | GP access to Concerto is read only. |