The aim of the ENSIPP programme is to support the graduate Enrolled Nurses (EN) and provide professional development to facilitate transition during their first year of practice. Upon completion of the ENSIPP year, nursing graduates will meet competencies and standards of practice in order to progress to competent level on the Professional Development and Recognition Programme (PDRP).
The ENSIPP programme accommodates graduates within the hospital, primary health care, aged and residential care, community nursing and mental health, addictions and intellectual disability (MHAIDS) settings. Central to Capital, Coast and Hutt Valley District’s philosophy for continuing nursing education is the commitment to providing a supported learning environment. The ENSIPP programme offered at Capital, Coast and Hutt Valley is aligned with the national learning framework for ENSIPP.
The Capital, Coast and Hutt Valley ENSIPP programme requires the graduate EN to attend 10 total study days throughout the year to support the developing competent nursing practice. Capital, Coast and Hutt Valley understands the demands and stresses faced by ENSIPP graduates when they commence their first year of practice and are committed to provide both pastoral and clinical support from the ENSIPP clinical coach and graduate programme coordinator.
This page provides information for those considering recruitment to the Health New Zealand Te Whatu Ora Capital, Coast and Hutt Valley ENSIPP programme and those within the district who need access to information regarding ENSIPP graduates and the programme.
Sarah Steele
Graduate Programme Coordinator,
Workforce and Practice Development Unit