On this page:


On this page, you'll find the latest version of our corporate publications, plans and guidelines, department reports, and consultation or engagement documents. If you would like an anything from our archive, please email info@ccdhb.org.nz

Publications and reports

Annual Report

The annual report provides a summary of our successes and progress against our key performance measures and a detailed account of how the health funding we received has been managed.

You can view all previous Annual Reports here.

Annual Plan

This Annual Plan articulates the Capital, Coast and Hutt Valley commitment to meeting the Minister of Health’s expectations to implement the New Zealand Health Strategy. It continues the commitment to deliver our vision of “best possible quality of life throughout life for all, through keeping people well including focused action to eliminate inequitable differences of the health of our population.”

Annual Plan 2021-2022

Annual Plan 2020 -2021 

Research Report

This report provides an overview of the research undertaken by staff. It serves as a record of research activities and a guide to the research interests of our staff.

Annual Research Report 2019-2020

Maternity Quality Safety Programme Annual Report

The New Zealand Maternity Quality and Safety Programme (MQSP) is a national programme which establishes and builds upon both national and local maternity quality improvement activities. It seeks to ensure the highest possible safety and best possible outcomes for all women, babies and their whānau. The programme takes a women-centred approach, acknowledging pregnancy and childbirth as normal life events.

The MQSP brings together clinical staff, consumers and wider community stakeholders to improve communication, collaboratively monitor and improve maternity care. It involves ongoing systematic review to identify quality improvement opportunities. The programme aligns with the Annual plan and national priorities such as those from the National Maternity Monitoring Group (NMMG)and Perinatal and Maternal Mortality Review Committee (PMMRC), in order to meet the New Zealand Maternity Standards, and is guided by the New Zealand Maternity Clinical Indicators.

This report series gives a comprehensive overview of the key clinical achievements and outcomes occurring within our maternity service.

2023 Maternity Quality Safety Programme Annual Report

2022 Maternity Quality Safety Programme Annual Report

2021 Maternity Quality Safety Programme Annual Report

2020 Maternity Quality Safety Programme Annual Report

2019 Maternity Quality Safety Programme Annual Report

BreastScreen Central review

Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand Capital, Coast & Hutt Valley BreastScreen Central 

Serious Adverse Event Report

The annual Serious Adverse Event Report lists the adverse events that occurred at Te Whatu Ora Capital, Coast and Hutt Valley and the lessons that were learned from them.

2022-23 CCHV Serious Adverse Event Report

Statement of Performance Expectations (SPE)

The Statement of Performance Expectations (SPE) outlines Annual Performance Expectations. The document provides a base against which CCDHB's actual performance will be assessed.

2021-2022 SPE including Financial Performance 

2020-2021 SPE including Financial Performance

Workplace Travel Survey

Te Whatu Ora - Capital, Coast & Hutt Valley Workplace Travel Survey 2022/23

Plans and guidelines

Health System Plan 2030

The Health System Plan 2030 outlines our strategy to improve the performance of our health care system and encourage better health and wellbeing and more equitable health outcomes for all our communities.

Health System plan 2030

Taurite Ora: Māori Health Strategy 2019 - 2030

Our long-term Māori Health Strategy goes further than previous strategies by challenging our organisation to rebuild itself as a pro-equity organisation from the ground up. Only then will we be able to achieve better health outcomes for Māori.

Taurite Ora: Māori Health Strategy 2019 - 2030

Taurite ora: Māori Health Strategy - A3 poster

Living Life Well – A Strategy for mental health and addiction 2019-2025

The 2019-2025 Mental Health and Addictions Strategy for the Wairarapa, Capital, Coast and Hutt Valley is now available, after a significant amount of planning, consultation and discussion with stakeholders across the region.

The strategy supports the complete continuum of care: sustaining specialist mental health and addiction services, recognising we can do a better job of providing earlier intervention when things start to go wrong, and focusing our attention on those with inequitable health outcomes.

Living life well – A strategy for mental health and addictions 2019-2025

Pacific Population Health Profile

As part of our commitment to reducing inequities experienced by Pacific communities, we commissioned a Pacific population health profile. This describes the health needs of Pacific peoples in the wider Wellington region as well as how they use health services. 

Pacific Population Health Profile

Pacific Health & Wellbeing Strategic Plan for the Greater Wellington Region 2020-2025

This plan outlines the strong commitment from Capital, Coast and Hutt Valley and Wairarapa to improving the health and wellbeing of Pacific people. Pacific peoples do not always enjoy the same access, service experiences and health and wellbeing outcomes as non-Pacific peoples. This plan recognises that we need a specific and targeted approach to redressing inequities that exist within our health system.

Pacific Health & Wellbeing Strategic Plan for the Greater Wellington Region 2020-2025

The Maternity and Neonatal System Plan

The Maternity and Neonatal System Plan outlines our whole-of-system approach to improving maternal and neonatal care for all families in our region, with a pro-equity focus to improve outcomes for Māori and Pacific whānau & families, disabled women and babies with impairments.

The Maternity and Neonatal System Plan 

Sub Regional Disability Strategy 2017-2022

The Sub Regional Disability Strategy 2017-2022 covers the wider Wellington region and builds on the significant work already achieved since 2013 to improve health service responsiveness for people with disabilities.

The new plan outlines the actions and outcomes required to achieve necessary change over the next 5 years and beyond. The strategy sets out clearly the things we want to achieve and the things will need to do in order to make a difference and it gives a clear direction for health sector leaders to work alongside disability communities in addressing inequities and ensuring better health outcomes.

Sub Regional Disability Strategy 2017-2022

New Zealand Disability Strategy United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 3DHB Implementation Plan 2013-2018

The disability responsiveness team works to a 5-year implementation plan. The plan focuses on four strategic areas:

  • leadership
  • health
  • inclusion and support
  • access

Download a copy of the plan here.

Healthy eating guidelines 2015

This document provides healthy food and beverage environments guidelines for staff and visitors of Capital & Coast, Hutt Valley and Wairarapa.

Healthy food and beverage guidelines 2015

Tobacco control plan 2016-2019

Tobacco control investments are designed to lead, coordinate and develop tobacco control activities within each district. We use tobacco control plans to outline local objectives, actions and outcome indicators.

Capital & Coast, Hutt Valley and Wairarapa 3DHB Tobacco Control Plan 2016-2019 

Allied Health Scientific and Technical 3DHB Strategic Approach 2015-2025

A shared Allied Health Scientific and Technical (AHS&T) Strategic Approach for the three local DHBs: Wairarapa, Hutt Valley and Capital & Coast.

 Te Herenga Ora: He mahi kōkihi Allied Health: Way of Working (WoW)

3DHB AHS&T Strategic Approach

Health Emergency Plan 2020

The Operational Policy Framework from the Ministry of Health (MoH) requires every District Health Board to have a Health Emergency Plan (HEP). This Health Emergency Plan has been developed to provide procedures and guidelines for Capital and Coast, Hutt Valley and Wairarapa DHBs respond and recover from an emergency. Preparedness is a primary consideration in emergency management planning, particularly where the safety and security of patient, staff, contractors and visitors is a priority.

Health Emergency Plan 2020

Health Needs Assessment 2015

This provides a valuable perspective of what is happening in respect to the health needs of our populations, and the areas of priority focus for Wairarapa, Hutt Valley and Capital & Coast DHBs over the coming years.

Health Needs Assessment 2015

Living Well, Dying Well: A Strategy for a Palliative Care Approach

This strategic plan sets the direction of palliative care in the sub-region for the next 4 years. It details a comprehensive integrated model of palliative care to achieve the vision that all people who require a palliative approach live well and die well irrespective of their condition or care setting.

Full strategy 

12-page summary

System Level Measures Improvement Plan

A System Level Measures (SLM) Framework has been developed with a system-wide view of performance, building on the previous Integrated Performance Incentives Framework. This plan includes milestones for 6 SLMs, a set of contributory measures for these SLMs, and district Alliance Leadership Team stakeholder agreement to the plan, milestones and measures. 

System Level Measures Improvement Plan 2020-2021

Read more about System Level Measures

Consultation and engagement documents

We will post any current consultation or engagement documents here (there are currently none open).

Last updated 11 October 2024.