Tell us how to improve our service
We need guidance from the community to give you the best service. There are several ways you can help.
Give us feedback
We like to hear when things go well or badly. We do two things with feedback:
- Act on it to solve problems
- Use your experience for training purposes, if you’re happy for us to share it. We’ve learnt that nurses and other clinical teams get a lot of value from hearing patient’s experiences. This allows them to reflect on what went well and what didn’t.
Get involved with co-production and user experience testing
Co-production involves finding patients who can attend a meeting or series of meetings with the Disability team and other staff to develop a new service or way of working. Sometimes we also ask patients to give us feedback through user experience testing. If you’d like to be included in co-production or user experience testing, we’d love to hear from you.
Get involved with our research
Let us know if you are a researcher with disability expertise. We like to work with researchers who are familiar with the rights-based approach to disability. We frequently recommend potential researchers to other departments across the region.
We’ve collaborated with researchers including Imagine Better and Disability Responsiveness NZ.
Send us your compliments and complaints
The Disability team’s goal is to help health services deliver the best health experience for everyone. We encourage disabled people to tell us what was good about their health service experience, and what could have been better.
We view your concerns as an opportunity to improve health services and take all complaints seriously.
The Disability team will act on your complaint and help you through the process if you need it.
Contact us if you have a concern, complaint or compliment.
You can also contact the disability team directly: