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The Disability Team for Capital & Coast, Hutt Valley and Wairarapa DHBs has developed these cards for Deaf and hard of hearing people to use when accessing health services, hospitals, or Community Based Assessment Centres (CBACs). These cards are to support you to communicate with other people, and make them aware of different ways to communicate with you.
We know accessing health services can be quite daunting if you are worried about not being able to communicate, and we hope these graphics will support and enable a better experience for you.
These cards are the same size as a normal bank card so that they fit in your wallet. You can also save the image on your mobile phone – and show it when you visit.
There are three cards that say ‘Hello, I’m Deaf’ and three cards that say ‘Hello, I’m hard of hearing’. The three cards have different messages: one outlining communication methods, one asking people to use NZ Video Relay Services, and one asking people to us physical distancing so that face masks can be removed.
We want to thank DeafVictoria, who first developed cards like this for their community, and gave their permission for us to recreate this useful resource for our community.
Please contact us if you would like us to post you a set of these communication cards.
Phone: 0800 347224 (0800 Disability)
Text only: 021 578 307
Download your own cards
Click on the card you need to download it or download the full set here.
You can also download the full set in a business card size here.

Voice-to-Text using ‘Notes’ app on smartphones
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[Start video at 02:05]
If you have a smart phone, you can also use a new method using voice-to-text. Most smartphones will have a ‘Notes’ app. At the bottom of the keyboard on the notes app screen there is an icon of a microphone, which is built into one of the keyboard buttons. You can press and hold this button until a Google prompt comes on, then hold the mobile near the person speaking. What they say will to appear on the screen in writing.
Watch a tutorial about this feature